miercuri, 12 octombrie 2011

The Great Queen Seondeok ( 2009 )

Deokman (Queen Seondeok’s childhood name) was born as Princess Cheonmyeong's twin and a member of the Silla royal family, but a prophecy leads to her abandonment as a baby. She was later brought back to the Silla palace, where she joined forces with her twin sister to oppose Mi-shil, a royal concubine who wanted to seize power. Mi-shil devised sinister plans to have the two Silla princesses exiled from the kingdom, and in a secretive battle, she assassinated Princess Cheonmyeong. But Princess Deokman shrewdly enlisted the help of General Kim Yusin and eliminated, Mi-shil, becoming the first female ruler of the Silla kingdom.
In Romanian:

sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2011


Sursa : Thianshi - Tiens 

Products Tianshi - Tiens ARE Building on the wisdom of 5,000 years of Chinese philosophy A healthcare.
Currently, the global market there are enormous amounts ofbiologically active products from different manufacturers. In thesingularity consists Tianshi products?
Natural supplements - Tiens Tianshi has a wide range ofeffectiveness and are balanced in terms of energy Yin - Yang.
Lies at the basis of their experience 5,000 years of Orientalmedicine and former and current proposals Chinese doctors. Theirmanufacture is achieved by the modern biotechnology methods (ofplants, living organisms and minerals from the territory of China and / or Mongolia) with equipment imported from Germany, USA,Italy and other countries. Tianshi and research center, Chinesescientists working but foreigners as well as experts who have made outstanding contributions in Western or Chinese MedecineBiosciences.
Tianshi products are balanced mixture of micronutrients, vitamins,natural antioxidants and other biologically active materials that helpto restore normal functioning cells. The result: illness and symptomsdisappear with time outside (INCLUDING body was carriedrenewal neural cells). Thanks to technology, manufacturing, naturalsupplements, all components come in all body areas without injury.
Tianshi product management is recommended for more than 3months for the period beginning just after the change in the body, which then pay off to make them come to the logical and the expected results.
Tianshi products can be taken for a long time (one year or more) without risk of overdose, if you combine the right products. Irecommend taking these products regularly, the healing effect willbe evident.

Translate In Romanian:
La ora actuala, pe piata mondiala se gasesc cantitati enorme de produse active biologic de la diferiti fabricanti. In ce constã singularitatea produselor Tianshi?
Suplimentele naturale - Tianshi Tiens dispun de o larga arie de eficacitate si sunt echilibrate din punct de vedere a energiei Yin - Yang.
La baza elaborarii lor sta o experienta de 5.000 de ani a medicinii orientale, precum si propunerile vechilor si actualilor medici chinezi. Fabricarea lor se realizeaza prin cele mai moderne metode biotechnologice (din plante, organisme vii si minerale de pe teritoriul Chinei si/sau din Mongolia) cu utilaje imporate din Germania, SUA, Italia si din alte tari. Iar in centrul de cercetare Tianshi, lucreaza oameni de stiinta chinezi dar si straini, precum si experti care au avut contributii deosebite în biostiinta medecinei occidentale sau chineze.
Produsele Tianshi sunt amestecul echilibrat de microelemente, vitamine, antioxidanti naturali si alte materiale active biologic care ajuta celulele organismului sa readuca functionarea normala. Rezultatul: dispare cu timpul boala si simtomele exterioare (s-a realizat innoirea celulelor corpului incusiv neuronale). Datorita technologiei de fabricatie, toate componentele suplimentelor naturale ajung in toate locurile organismului, fara vatamari.
Se recomanda administrarea produselor Tianshi pe o perioadã mai lunga de 3 luni pentru ca de abia dupa aceasta perioada incep schimbarile esentiale in organism, pe care apoi se renteaza sa le facem sa ajunga pana la rezultatele logice si efectul asteptat.
Produsele Tianshi pot fi luate timp indelungat (un an sau mai mult), fara riscul supradozarii, daca combinam corect produsele. Se recomanda administrarea acestor produse îi mod regulat, atunci efectul de vindecare va fi evident.

Medicamentes :

duminică, 4 septembrie 2011

Therapeutic Massage / Masajul Terapeutic

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Sursa /Surse: Retete Naturiste.ro

Translate In English:
The beginnings of medicine "positive" Chinese place eight millennia ago. Chinese doctors consider objects and phenomena in rich and subtle interrelations endless, considers the entire 
thread as an organic whole. The main parts of the world are the same at every level of the achievement and the macrocosm is reflected faithfully in microcosm.

Such a doctrine was structured to the five elements: wood, fire, water, earth, metal, which are viewed as dynamic entities capable of turning in a certain order, some in others.
And joined its opposing doctrine of Yin and Yang principles.Original meaning of the first seems to have been "the light" and the other "the shadow". The two antagonistic principles manifest in correlations permanently changed when one time dominating another, causing alternation cosmic rhythms, biological and historical.
In practice, Chinese healing massage is widely used.

How to perform manual massage:
Massage can be performed by a person trained in reflexology or by the patient, in this case is called automasaj. If automasajului, the patient need to know the suffering the disease, which are reflex points corresponding condition, order and duration for each reflex massage, the best time to massage.
When massage (automasajul) runs prophylactic Of particular importance is the order that runs massage different points, avoid storing toxins refelxe points, which tend to partially block blood flow or nodes, allowing the installation of remote organs diseases.

It will insist on renal areas, ureters, bladder, lymphatic system, head, stomach, intestines, liver.
When the massage is done by an expert in reflexology, he and the patient should be in comfortable position, relaxing the specific points that must be massaged. Thus, palmar massage, the patient may adopt a sitting position in a chair or lying face up on a couch.

The therapist will sit on a stool, lower than the patient, or side next to the couch. For massaging areas of the spine, the patient will lie face down, head to one side, arms outstretched at your sides slightly. If masãrii feet, the patient will lie face up, legs stretched, relaxed, and the therapist is at his feet on a stool, lower than the patient. Foot to be massaged therapist sits on the knee and below knee patient puts a pillow. From this position most massage reflex points for kidney, liver, spleen, stomach, lungs, eyes, ears, sinuses, head, thyroid, parathyroid, intestine, shoulders, breasts, lymph, neck, etc. column.

Massaging the points of the sides of the feet (reflexology for prostate, piles, appendices, testicles, vagina, urethra) asks the patient to turn sideways leg on one side or another. When both patient and therapist were installed conveniently, have eliminated any noise or disturbance from the outside, you can start with a light massage and massage of feet short, then the tip of the thumb of the hand is properly point palpeazã , continue with taps that will grow in intensity up to the limit tolerated by the patient, seeing the reactions. Avoid using ointments, as fingers can slip on the premises and will not achieve the desired efficacy.

Massage is done by pressing and (or) a circular motion.
When large areas massage (route bladder, ureters, kidneys), meaning the heel to the toes is from and not vice versa, when intestine and will table in the sense of escape, ascending, transverse, descending. It will work about 30 seconds with each hand in turn allows to relax the hands.

Areas where massage has to be healthy without trauma or inflammatory disease, skin, corns, with rigorous hygiene respected. Duration of treatment sessions and number of reflex points that can be mass meetings will be in a strictly individual, depending on the specific biorhythms and working against the state of the organ of detoxification, filtration and removal. It is recommended to deploy more toxins than the kidneys can eliminate and detoxify the liver, spleen, lymph system. If you do not mind this, the toxins will circulate freely in the body, creating some symptoms as dizziness, drowsiness, headache and other disorders that affect the overall condition.
More information about reflexology and massage therapy can be found in books:

"Reflexology and reflexology in the service of patients"
Authors: Neamtu and associate George Aurora Milos
"Acupressure and micromassage"
Authors: Neamtu George and Aurora Milos
"Reflexologia si reflexoterapia in slujba bolnavilor"
Autori: Gheorghe Neamtu si conf. Aurora Milos
"Presopunctura si micromasajul"
Autori: Gheorghe Neamtu si Aurora Milos

Translate In Romanian /Traducere In Romana:


Inceputurile medicinei "pozitive" chineze se plaseazã acum 8 milenii. Medicii 

chinezi considerã obiectele si fenomenele în interrelatii nesfarsit de bogate si subtile, considerã întrega fire ca un tot organic. Componentele principale ale lumii sunt aceleasi la fiecare nivel al existentei concrete, iar macrocosmosul se reflectã fidel în microcosmos.

Astfel a fost structuratã o doctrinã a celor 5 elemente: lemnul, focul, apa, pãmantul, metalul, care sunt privite ca entitãti dinamice, capabile sã se transforme într-o anume ordine, unele în altele.
Acesteia i s-a alãturat doctrina despre principiile antagoniste YIN si YANG. Intelesul originar al primului pare a fi fost "cel luminat", iar al celuilalt "cel umbrit". Cele douã principii antagonice se manifestã în corelatii permanent schimbate, dominand cand unul cand altul, alternarea lor determinand ritmurile cosmice, biologice si istorice.
In practica vindecãtoare chinezã se utilizeazã pe scarã largã masajul.

Masajul se poate executa de cãtre o persoanã specializatã în reflexoterapie sau de cãtre pacient, în acest caz se numeste automasaj. In cazul automasajului, bolnavul trebuie sã cunoascã de ce boalã suferã, care sunt punctele reflexe corespondente afectiunii, ordinea si durata de masare pentru fiecare punct reflex, perioada optimã pentru masaj.
Cand masajul (automasajul) se executã profilactic, o importantã deosebitã o are ordinea în care se executã masarea diferitelor puncte, evitarea depozitãrii toxinelor în punctele refelxe, care tind sã blocheze partial circulatia sanguinã sau limfaticã, permitand astfel instalarea afectiunilor la organele aflate la distantã.
Se va insista pe zonele renale, uretere, vezicã urinarã, sistem limfatic, cap, stomac, intestine, ficat.Cand masajul este fãcut de un expert în reflexoterapie, atat el cat si pacientul trebuie sã se gãseascã în pozitii confortabile, relaxante, specifice punctelor care trebuiesc masate. Astfel, pentru masajul palmar, pacientul poate adopta pozitia sezand într-un fotoliu sau culcat cu fata în sus pe o canapea.
Terapeutul se va aseza comod pe un scãunel, mai jos decat pacientul, sau lateral langã canapea. Pentru masarea zonelor din coloana vertebralã, pacientul va sta culcat cu fata în jos, cu capul într-o parte, mainile întinse lejer pe langã corp. In cazul masãrii tãlpilor, pacientul va sta culcat cu fata în sus, cu picioarele întinse, relaxat, iar terapeutul va sta la picioarele acestuia, pe un scãunel, mai jos decat pacientul. Piciorul care trebuie masat se aseazã pe genunchiul terapeutului, iar sub genunchiul pacientului se va pune o pernã. Din aceastã pozitie se maseazã majoritatea punctelor reflexe pentru: rinichi, ficat, splinã, stomac, plãmani, ochi, urechi, sinusuri, cap, tiroidã, paratiroidã, intestine, umeri, sani, limfe, gat, coloanã etc.

Masarea punctelor din pãrtile laterale ale picioarelor (reflexoterapia pentru prostatã, hemoroizi, anexe, testicole, vagin, uretrã) solicitã ca pacientul sã întoarcã piciorul lateral, pe o parte sau alta. Dupã ce atat pacientul cat si terapeutul s-au instalat comod, s-au eliminat zgomotele sau orice perturbare din exterior, se poate începe masajul printr-o usoarã si scurtã masare a tãlpilor, apoi cu varful degetului mare de la manã se palpeazã punctul corespunzãtor, se continuã cu apãsãri usoare, care vor creste în intensitate, panã la limita suportatã de pacient, urmãrindu-i-se reactiile. Se va evita folosirea unguentelor, deoarece degetele pot aluneca pe punctele de lucru si nu se va obtine eficacitatea doritã.
Masajul se face prin presare si (sau) miscãri circulare.
Cand se maseazã zone întinse (traseul vezicii urinare, uretere, rinichi), sensul de lucru este dinspre cãlcai spre degete si nu invers, iar în cazul intestinului gros, se va masa în sensul de evacuare, ascendent, transversal, descendent. Se va lucra aproximativ 30 de secunde cu fiecare manã, prin rotatie, permitand astfel relaxarea mainilor.

Zonele supuse masajului trebuie sã fie sãnãtoase, fãrã traumatisme sau afectiuni inflamatorii, dermatologice, bãtãturi, cu o igienã riguros respectatã. Durata sedintelor de tratament si numãrul punctelor reflexe care se pot masa în cadrul unei sedinte vor fi strict individualizate, în functie de bioritmurile specifice si în raport cu starea de functionare a organului de detoxifiere, filtrare si eliminare. Nu este indicat a se disloca mai multe toxine decat poate elimina rinichiul si detoxifia ficatul, splina, sistemul limfatic. Dacã nu se tine cont de aceasta, toxinele vor circula liber în corp, creand unele simptome ca ameteli, somnolentã, cefalee si alte dereglãri, care
 afecteazã starea generalã.
Mai multe informatii despre reflexoterapie si masajul terapeutic puteti gasi in cartile:
"Reflexologia si reflexoterapia in slujba bolnavilor"
Autori: Gheorghe Neamtu si conf. Aurora Milos
"Presopunctura si micromasajul"
Autori: Gheorghe Neamtu si Aurora Milos

marți, 23 august 2011

Pricess Man

The Princess' Man (공주의 남자) is 24-episode 2011 South Korean historical romance televison seires is currnetly aired on KBS in July 20 2011 is based of the tragic love story between Kim Sejo's daughter Lee Se Ryung and Kim Jongseo's son Kim Kim Seung Yoo it stars Moon Chae-won and Park Shi Hoo in lead roles as Se Ryung and Seung-ryo.


Lee Se-ryung is cheerful yet strong curiosity daughter of Prince Sejo and niece of King Munjong who met Kim Seung Yoo as teacher while posed as her cousin Princess Kyung-hye who was spolied yet ambitous. Seung-ryo was son of Kim Jong Seo who friend of Se-ryung's uncle is wise yet kind-hearted man. they fall in love also for Kyung-hye who is now married to Seung-ryo's friend Jungjong and discovred their father are eneimes when Sejo planned to coup aganist Se-ryung's cousin which led a tragedy and vegaence.


Suyang's daughter who takes her cousin Kyung-hye's place and met Seung-ryo as tutor . Se-ryung was kind-heated and cherful who made friends with Kyung-hye depsite her father's evil plans.
Jongsoo's son who wise and well -educted young man who chosen as Kyung-hye's teacher and fallen in love with Se-ryung unawre her disguide for her cousin. he and Kyung-hye are originally betroted but his friend JungJong is chosen for Kyung-hye then Seung-ryo was saved by Se Ryung
Jung Jong and Seung-ryo's friend who feelings for Se-ryung who become his fiancee
Munjong's daughter and Se-ryung's cousin and friend who spoiled and arrogant who was current heiress of thorne who fallen in love with Kim Seung-ryo but she discovred Se-ryung also loved him and put him prison she end up marrying JungJong who friend of Seung-ryo whom they frist met when JungJong was chased by bandits
friend of Seung Yoo and Shin Myun is gentle and peace-loving man who troblue with bandits chased him when he met Kyung-hye at charriot and got slapped by her. JungJong was chosen as Kyung-hye's husband and recognizes his bride
Kyung-hye as girl who slapped him

                     Will Post Episodes!

luni, 22 august 2011

Dream High

DetailsTitle: 드림하이 / Dream HighGenre: School, drama, comedy, romanceEpisodes: 16Broadcast network: KBS2Broadcast period: 2011-Jan-03 to 2011-Feb-28Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55See inserts: Dream High OST


Dream High tells the story of six students at Kirin Art High School who work to achieve their dreams of becoming music stars in the Korean music industry. Go Hye Mi is a student who had majored in classical music but has to give up her dream by entering Kirin Art High School to pay off her father's debt. However, she needs to get two other students to also come to the school in order for her to enroll in the school conditionally. These two students are Song Sam Dong, who lives in the countryside, and Jin Guk, whom she accidentally meets while trying to escape from a loan shark. Yoon Baek Hee, formerly Hyemi's sidekick, becomes her rival in school because Hye Mi betrays her during an audition to enter the school.

Production Credits

Track Listing

  1. Dream High - TaecyeonSuzyKim Soo HyunWooyoungJOO
  2. Someday – IU
  3. My Valentine – Taecyeon & Nichkhun
  4. 못 잊은 거죠 Can't Forget (If) – Park Jin Young
  5. Maybe – Sun Ye (Wonder Girls)
  6. 사랑하면 안될까 Can't I Love You – Changmin & Jinwoon (2AM)
  7. 가지마 Don't Go – Junsu (2PM) & Im Jung Hee
  8. 어떤이의 꿈 Someone's Dream (Feat. So Hyang of POS) – San E
  9. 겨울아이 Winter Child – Suzy
  10. Dreaming – Kim Soo Hyun
  11. 못 잊은 거죠 Can't Forget (If) (Inst.)
  12. Maybe (Inst.)

More Dream High

You're Beautiful

Cultural impact

During its run, several car companies offered to have their cars be used on the drama for promotional purposes.[7] The latest car from the German automaker Audi introduced their Audi S4 on the miniseries, with Jang Keun-Suk (Tae Kyung) driving it.
Additionally, the soundtrack of the miniseries also sold 20,000 copies within its first seven days of released due to the popularity of the show.[8] The album became a top seller on all the various online sites, such as Melon, Dosirak, and Mnet.[9] The album was written and produced by Han Sung-ho, who also worked on the dramas Lovers, On Air, and Brilliant Legacy.[10]
Because the drama features a concert footage in it, A.N.JELL actually performed a mini-concert,[11] where it was reported that as many 25,000 fans showed up.[12] The group performed the songs “Promise” and “Still”; Jang Keun-Suk also sang “Good Bye” and “What Do I Do,” the latter of which is the track Tae-kyung remakes for his mother in the drama. Park Shin Hye sang her character’s theme song, “Lovely Day.” Despite its mediocre ratings, numerous fans have watched the dramas online.[13][14] The drama also reportedly gained a cult following.[15]

Episode ratings

2009-10-070110.8 (11th)11.6 (11th)
2009-10-08029.6 (12th)10.2 (11th)
2009-10-14039.1 (11th)8.5 (14th)
2009-10-15048.9 (14th)9.4 (11th)
2009-10-21059.0 (18th)9.2 (13th)
2009-10-220610.0 (11th)10.2 (11th)
2009-10-28079.6 (14th)10.2 (11th)
2009-10-29089.8 (12th)10.3 (11th)
2009-11-04099.8 (17th)10.3 (13th)
2009-11-051010.0 (14th)10.5 (11th)
2009-11-111111.0 (10th)11.3 (9th)
2009-11-121211.1 (9th)11.1 (9th)
2009-11-181310.6 (13th)11.1 (10th)
2009-11-191410.1 (13th)10.0 (12th)
2009-11-251510.9 (10th)11.7 (8th)
2009-11-261611.9 (9th)12.2 (9th)


"You're Beautiful"

Single by James Blunt
from the album Back to Bedlam
Released30 May 2005
(See release history)
FormatCD single
GenreSoft rockfolk rock
Length3:34 (Album version)
3:22 (Single edit)
Writer(s)James Blunt
Sacha Skarbek
Amanda Ghost
ProducerTom Rothrock
James Blunt singles chronology
"You're Beautiful"
Music sample

Writing and inspiration

Newspapers have claimed that "You're Beautiful" is about a former girlfriend of Blunt's, Dixie Chassay,[3][4] casting director for the Harry Potter films, although Blunt refuses to confirm or deny this. On the 8 March 2006 episode of the Oprah Winfrey program, Blunt said of the song, "It's kind of miserable. It was about seeing my ex-girlfriend on the Underground in London with her new man, who I didn't know existed. She and I caught eyes and lived a lifetime in that moment, but didn't do anything about it and haven't seen each other since."[5] Several versions of the song exist. One lyrical version has an explicit word in it ("She could see from my face that I was fucking high") which was released on Back to Bedlam and most of the "You're Beautiful" singles. The radio edit of the song replaces the explicit lyric, changing it to "She could see from my face that I was flying high". Acoustic, live and DVD versions have also been released. However, because of the word in question, the album was given a Parental Advisory sticker. When asked about the song, Blunt responded, "It's probably one of the least meaningful songs on the album and by no means people's favourite. The album is like a book covering various aspects of life in a specific order."[6] In an interview with HitQuarters, co-writer Sacha Skarbek said their collaboration on the song began when Blunt brought the title and the approach of the chorus to a songwriting session. Skarbek's contribution largely focused on the music aspect to the track, contributing chord ideas for the verses, honing the melodies, and making sure the song stuck to, "a couple of key hooks rather than making it too complicated."[7]

Chart performance

"You're Beautiful" is Blunt's most successful single release to date. It was also his first successful single, and reached number one in ten countries across the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Canada, and the Netherlands. The song peaked within the top five in AustraliaFrance, and Germany. "You're Beautiful" accomplished a feat rarely seen on the modern UK Singles Chart by ascending the chart following its début. Released on 30 May 2005, it entered at number twelve on 5 June and reached number one six weeks later where it remained for five consecutive weeks. The last song to début outside of the top ten and climb to number one was The Outhere Brothers' "Boom Boom Boom" (1995). The highest position "You're Beautiful" reached in Australia was number two, where it stayed for two consecutive weeks. In November 2005, "You're Beautiful" was released in North America where it achieved widespread success. In Canada, it ascended to number one (where it remained for four consecutive weeks) twenty-two weeks following its début on the BDS Airplay chart. In the United States, it débuted at number eighty-eight before reaching number one seventeen weeks later. It replaced Beyoncé's "Check on It" and itself was replaced by Ne-Yo's "So Sick".[13] The song became the first non-urban or American Idol song to reach the top of the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 since Nickelback's "How You Remind Me" in 2001. However, "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani has also been credited for that accomplishment, but due to its hip-hop based influences, it's been disputed. This also became the first single by a British artist to reach number one since Elton John's "Candle in the Wind 1997" (1997).[14] It achieved success on the Billboard Pop 100Hot Digital SongsAdult Contemporary, and Adult Top 40 formats. It has been certified sixfold platinum in the U.S. for digital sales of 1,200,000 copies.[15]


At the 2007 Grammy Awards the song received three nominations: Record of the YearSong of the Year and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance [2]. For the video, Blunt won the MTV Award for Best Male Video and Best Cinematography.


The single was released on four official physical formats. CD1 includes an exclusive acoustic recording of "Fall At Your Feet", a cover taken from the BBC Radio 1 live lounge sessions. CD2 includes an exclusive acoustic version of "High", plus the video for "You're Beautiful" and "Making-Of" footage. The 7" Vinyl includes an exclusive acoustic version of "So Long, Jimmy". The fourth physical format was an exclusive version of CD1, only available at HMV, which includes a additional third track, in the form of an acoustic version of "You're Beautiful". This version was also sold in Australia.[16]

Track listing

UK CD Single #1
  1. "You're Beautiful" (Edit) - 3:22
  2. "Fall At Your Feet" (Acoustic) - 2:25
UK CD Single #2
  1. "You're Beautiful" (Edit) - 3:22
  2. "High" (Acoustic) - 4:03
  3. "You're Beautiful" (The Making Of The Video) - 3:00
  4. "You're Beautiful" (Video) - 3:23
UK 7" Single
  1. "You're Beautiful" (Edit) - 3:22
  2. "So Long, Jimmy" (Acoustic) - 4:14
Australian CD Single
  1. "You're Beautiful" (Edit) - 3:22
  2. "Fall At Your Feet" (Acoustic) - 2:25
  3. "You're Beautiful" (Acoustic) - 3:35

[edit]Release history

CountryRelease date
United Kingdom5 May 2005
WorldwideMay 2005
United States13 December 2005


Chart (2005/2006)↓Peak
Australian Singles Chart2
Austrian Singles Chart6
Belgian (Flanders) Singles Chart1
Belgian (Wallonia) Singles Chart3
Canadian Singles Chart1
Danish Singles Chart4
Dutch Top 401
Dutch Single Top 1001
French Singles Chart5
German Singles Chart2
Irish Singles Chart1
New Zealand Singles Chart4
Norwegian Singles Chart1
Poland (ZPAV)[18]3
Swiss Singles Chart2
Swedish Singles Chart1
UK Singles Chart1
U.S. Billboard Hot 1001
U.S. Billboard Pop 1001
U.S. Billboard Adult Contemporary1
U.S. Billboard Adult Top 4023

[edit]Year-end charts

End of year chart (2005)Position
German Singles Chart[19]16
Swiss Singles Chart[20]11
UK Singles Chart[21]4
End of year chart (2006)Position
Swiss Singles Chart[22]34
UK Singles Chart[23]123

[edit]Decade-end charts

Chart (2000–2009)Peak
German Singles Chart[24]85
UK Singles Chart[25]39
US Billboard Hot 100[26]86


United Kingdom[31]Silver
United States[32]2×Platinum